Justin B
Justin B is a child of an all-powerful and all-loving God and a recovered, one-day-at-a-time addict.
Justin's passion in recovery is to share and learn the commonalities of addictions of all kinds and the similarities of successful recovery from all addictions. His experience is painted by the Power that comes from really working the 12 Steps as laid out in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Justin's biggest take away from hosting Reco12 and his previous podcast called "Journey Through Life" is that there are massive similarities in the "success stories" of people from all faiths, backgrounds, nationalities, orientations, races, and addictions.
Justin's main goal and reason for doing all that he does is to "connect with people in a way that inspires them to see their own worth". He does this by seeking Guidance from his Higher Power, striving to reflect light that inspires hope, meaning, worth, and growth in others.