An Addiction Recovery Lunch-hour Speaker Meeting. A new guest speaker with at least 1 year sobriety from any addiction, and who is actively working in recovery, will speak for 25 minutes each week on a specific recovery topic. This will be followed by a moderated 25 minute Q & A session from the live audience. The live speaker meetings will be held on Zoom each Friday at 10:00 AM Pacific time. To attend the live recordings and have the opportunity of asking questions of the guest, please send an email to reco12pod@gmail.com and request to get on the invitation list. To become a Reco12 Spearhead and support this mission, please consider subscribing at https://www.buzzsprout.com/1117700/support . All aspects of recovery will be covered, including but not limited to: Steps, Blessings of Recovery, Relapse Prevention, Sponsoring, Specific aspects of recovery, What to do if I relapse, etc. We invite each guest speaker to seek guidance so they can reflect the light they have been given in order to inspire hope, meaning, growth and worth in each of us, the listening audience.
Josephine A - Seeing God Through Another's Eyes - Meeting 162
Josephine came into the rooms early 2020 more than 3 years ago after countless failed attempts to stop drinking. Little did Josephine know that putting down the drink was the start of what has been, and is the hardest, AND most rewarding part of her life so far. Josephine started drinking at 11 years old and is a blackout addict by her own words. She has been in and out of the rooms of AA, SLAA, CoDA, CA, DA, Greysheet, and OA. Only when Josephine wanted to die in recovery, feeling desperate and insane, did things change. Only then, she describes, that she found the hand of God as she understands God to be. Josephine says she never knew what it truly meant to give herself to this simple program until that day. And that today she does and is blessed and beyond grateful to be able to talk on the subject of “Seeing God Through Another’s Eyes “.
Reco12 is an organization with the mission of learning and sharing the similarities of addiction of all kinds and gaining and sharing tools and hope from others who are walking a similar path. We come together from all places, faiths and backgrounds to gain tools and hope from others who are walking a similar path.
Reco12 appreciates your help in keeping us working our 12th Step with these great resources and services for the addict and loved ones. We gratefully accept contributions to help cover the costs of the Zoom platform, podcast platform, web hosting, and administrative costs. To become a Reco12 Spearhead you can quickly and easily become a monthly donor here: https://www.reco12.com/support or you can do one-time donations through PayPal (https://www.paypal.me/reco12) or Venmo: @Reco-Twelve . Thanks for your support!
To record a Reco12 Shares … share or prayer, please link to https://www.speakpipe.com/reco12shares and leave a share or your favorite recovery prayer. To find Reco12 Shares on virtually any podcast platform and follow and listen, go here: https://reco12shares.buzzsprout.com/share
Resources from Today's Meeting:
Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous
Outro music is “Standing Still” by Cory Ellsworth and Randy Kartchner, performed by Mike Eldred and Elizabeth Wolfe. This song, and/or the entire soundtrack for the future Broadway musical, “Crosses: A Musical of Hope”, can be purchased here: https://amzn.to/3RIjKXs This song is used with the express permission o
Information on Noodle It Out with Nikki M
Big Book Roundtable Informational
Seeking and educating on how to donate to Reco12.
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Reco12 Shares Podcast
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Reco12 Noodle It Out with Nikki M Podcast
Reco12 Big Book Roundtable Podcast