An Addiction Recovery Lunch-hour Speaker Meeting. A new guest speaker with at least 1 year sobriety from any addiction, and who is actively working in recovery, will speak for 25 minutes each week on a specific recovery topic. This will be followed by a moderated 25 minute Q & A session from the live audience. The live speaker meetings will be held on Zoom each Friday at 10:00 AM Pacific time. To attend the live recordings and have the opportunity of asking questions of the guest, please send an email to reco12pod@gmail.com and request to get on the invitation list. To become a Reco12 Spearhead and support this mission, please consider subscribing at https://www.buzzsprout.com/1117700/support . All aspects of recovery will be covered, including but not limited to: Steps, Blessings of Recovery, Relapse Prevention, Sponsoring, Specific aspects of recovery, What to do if I relapse, etc. We invite each guest speaker to seek guidance so they can reflect the light they have been given in order to inspire hope, meaning, growth and worth in each of us, the listening audience.
Ben K - Recovery from Debting and Vagueness - Afro-Euro - Meeting 228
Karen A and Ben K talk about Debting and Vagueness, and the recovery from both in this Reco12 Afro-Euro Speaker Meeting and share their experience, strength, and hope. Here is a little about Ben K: Ben K was a disturbed little kid, after discovering program and trying out different fellowships he finally found DA. Five years later, he is solvent, pays his taxes on time (with no resentment), and tries to live in abundance one day at a time.
Reco12 Afro-Euro Timezone is a Reco12 Resource in and for the Afro-Euro time zone hosted by Karen A. We hope that you will join us and draw strength and hope from these podcasts that we will host on Wednesdays at 9AM GMT / 11AM Israel time.
Reco12 is an organization with the mission of learning and sharing the similarities of addiction of all kinds and gaining and sharing tools and hope from others who are walking a similar path. We come together from all places, faiths and backgrounds to gain tools and hope from others who are walking a similar path.
Resource from this meeting:
For an explanation about spending plans and how to use them and how to make them, check out this video Ben K did: Link
Reco12 appreciates your help in keeping us working our 12th Step with these great resources and services for the addict and loved ones. We gratefully accept contributions to help cover the costs of the Zoom platform, podcast platform, web hosting, and administrative costs. To become a Reco12 Spearhead you can quickly and easily become a monthly donor here: https://www.reco12.com/support or you can do one-time donations through PayPal (https://www.paypal.me/reco12) or Venmo: @Reco-Twelve . Thanks for your support!
If you would like to get in contact with either Karen A or Binyamin H, please send an email to reco12@gmail.com and we will get you connected with them.
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Email: reco12pod@gmail.com to join WhatsApp Group
Reco12 Shares Podcast
Reco12 Shares Record a Share Link
Reco12 Noodle It Out with Nikki M Podcast
Reco12 Big Book Roundtable Podcast