Rego - Half Measures Avail Me Nothing - Afro Euro - Meeting 234

Karen A / Rego Episode 234

A little about Rego in his own words:  "But for the Grace of God, A religious boy who had to let go of god to find God. After alcohol beat me down, I found AA, but i resisted, why the pain? I stood on the edges and looked in, Untill i became part of my life changed. Where would i be without AA, Where would i be without Alcoholics Anonymous? The solution outlined in the book Alcoholics Anonymous saved my life, and "I just want to keep talking about it and telling people"

Reco12 Afro-Euro Timezone is a Reco12 Resource in and for the Afro-Euro time zone hosted by Karen A.  We hope that you will join us and draw strength and hope from these podcasts that we will host every other Wednesday at 9AM GMT / 11AM Israel time.

Resources from this meeting:
12 Steps 4 Hours

Reco12 appreciates your help in keeping us working our 12th Step with these great resources and services for the addict and loved ones.  We gratefully accept contributions to help cover the costs of the Zoom platform, podcast platform, web hosting, and administrative costs.  To become a Reco12 Spearhead you can quickly and easily become a monthly donor here:  or you can do one-time donations through PayPal (  or Venmo:  @Reco-Twelve .  Thanks for your support!

If you would like to get in contact with either Karen A or Rego, please send an email to and we will get you connected with them.

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